Having over 15 years of experience in the field, Renuka B H brings to Cadabam’s, a wealth of expertise. Speaking the tongues of English, Hindi, and Kannada, her language skills are excellent and complement her abilities. She works out of Bangalore and Hyderabad. Her patient-centered approach is what makes her understand her people better. She holds the post of consultant clinical psychologist here at Cadabam’s. Treating illnesses such as Anxiety disorders, Depression, Schizophrenia, Alcohol addiction, Drug addiction, Bipolar disorder, OCD, and Personality disorder, she is specialized to take care of your needs.
Illnesses treated by this professional
She can be contacted via the website as well. She did her M.Phil in Clinical Psychology from the Institute of Human Behaviour and Allied Sciences. She has experience working with adolescents and adults with diverse cultural backgrounds as well. She is a registered member of the Rehabilitation Council of India, the Indian Association of Clinical Psychologists, and the esteemed American Psychological Association as well. She has been on the receiving end of awards such as the Cadabams Mental Health Professional Award. Other things that interest her include things like psychotherapy and reading. She would like to be associated with areas such as marketing and outreach programs as well. Her desire to spread the word about mental health awareness really drives her forward. She also wants to destigmatize the taboos that go with mental health, which makes her special.