“If there is a survivor who conquered the everlasting nightmare of schizophrenia definitely he/she capable of waving his victory flag in all the unfortunate events in the life.”
Hello, am Raj. A thriving and lucrative writer in a private organization and a fruitful survivor of schizophrenia. Whenever people meet me, they will bring a common question to my table “what helped you recover from schizophrenia?”
My response will be quite simple – “I never skipped my medication whatsoever”
I strongly believe and suggest to all those suffering individuals and the family members out there – When ‘I’ become ‘we’ illness becomes wellness! right. Just blindly believe in the professionals, treatments, therapies, and most importantly self-belief.
What you should know about Schizophrenia Symptoms
Not all schizophrenics are violent:
Though it was diagnosed at an early age, I was too late to get the maturity to accept and get the right information to follow the conventional treatments for this so-called disorder schizophrenia. I discovered that mental illness is nothing to be worried or ashamed of, which was necessary for me to admit it.
The process of recovering transformation is not an apple in the tree that you can stroll straight away, pluck and put into the pocket, instead you need to have patience, knowledge, and courage. I was fortunate to have a bunch of companions to take care of me despite knowing the thing that I’m under. Still, a portion of people in this world believes that individuals with schizophrenia are vicious. But the fact is that they aren’t.
Writing has helped me express better:
I feel very comfortable and blessed with the job what I have right now. It is like a dream come true. I got this job when my symptoms and the medication where at its peak. I love my writing because it gives the exact fuel to my happiness and makes the day belong to me. Most importantly it makes me forget all my sufferings and pains. Furthermore, it makes others see me as a normal person. I would advise everyone to engage in something creative, it helps! It can be an immeasurable way to feel better and to do something effective.
Things that gave me hope and helped me cope with Schizophrenia Symptoms:
- A great gift I got was ‘writing’. It helped me stay balanced without losing my insight into schizophrenia.
- The respect and the ovation that the people give to my creativity, knowledge, skill, and hard work motivated me, provoking me to do better.
- I was married before being diagnosed with schizophrenia. The love and care that she gave, gave me strength through my road to restoration. I don’t want to lose her at any time, at any cost.
- Last but not least is my treatments, the therapies which give all my wishlist oxygen and getting my productive life back from schizophrenia.
It is all about endurance to the medical practice: Schizophrenia Treatment
Treatments and therapies matter a lot. If you are still holding it up tightly inside, it’s not worth it. It’s ok to talk about your illnesses as said earlier nothing to be ashamed of. Reach out to a professional ASAP.
If you need more information about schizophrenia treatment or have any queries, do send it to us at info@localhost. Or visit us at Cadabam’s. Alternatively, you reach us on our 24/7 helpline number- +91 96111 94949.