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Stay Sober At New Years

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Mostly, New Years is all about drinking and raising toasts, let’s take a look a few ways to welcome the New Year staying sober

New Year’s Eve is one of the booziest times of the year. This is one of the most challenging times for people who want to stay sober. Just the mere thought of New Year’s Eve can cause panic especially for people recovering from alcohol or drug addiction.

Whether you are working to maintain your sobriety after quitting drugs or alcohol, or if you are trying to help a friend or family member avoid substance abuse on the coming holiday, let us explore a few ways to achieve a drug and alcohol free new year.

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New year is not all about getting high & drunk:

Most people consider that new year party is all about getting high as possible and getting totally drunk. It’s not all about that. You could welcome the new year with friends and family staying sober.

Attend or host your own party

‘Dance Dance Party Party’ is the brainchild of NYC dance-party denizens Marcy Girt and Glennis McMurray. It was created as an alternative to the ungodly cover charges and detestably boozy milieus of the city’s popular nightclub hotspots. The rules of DDPP are simple: No Boys. No booze. No judgment.

Although you may have heard of that here in India, but it’s pretty simple of have one of the same concept.


Book screening with our director of triage,  Kamlesh Verma

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Travel to a new destination

Make new year as a chance to travel to a place of your choice and enjoy exploring a new place with good buddies or just by yourself. Just by changing the environment may help lessen the stress of staying sober.'

Host a concept party

You could host a party that could be a game night or a mocktail party. Or choose a theme that you en

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