107 million people are estimated to suffer from alcohol use disorder. And over 10.6 million Indians are known to have alcohol use disorder. If alcohol drinking is not treated in the right manner, it can turn into a mental health disorder. One of the best ways to recover from alcoholism is the 12-step alcoholic’s anonymous program. This is a group program that has been designed to address all the issues surrounding alcohol abuse and extend long-term recovery.
Cadabam’s is one of the leading institutes that have understood the prominence of the 12-step group program for the recovery of alcohol abuse. Our experts have learned about the program and establish it in our centers to provide comprehensive treatments. Our treatments are customized based on the needs of the patient, and our approach is what sets us apart from the rest of the others. We have a different approach to treat each of our patients that cater to their health needs. This way, our patients get treatments that address the root cause and offer lasting effects.
Treating mental issues is not a one-person approach; you need a group of skilled and experienced therapists, psychologists, counselors, physicians, and family therapists. And, Cadabam’s has an excellent team of experts capable of dealing with a wide range of mental illnesses. Moreover, family and caregivers dealing with an alcoholic are going to be very stressed. Constant support from these people is imperative in the recovery of an alcoholic patient. Therefore, we provide the necessary support to them so that they remain in a healthy and positive state of mind throughout the treatment process. If you or your loved ones need help in beating alcohol addiction, please get in touch with us today. Call us at +91 96111 94949 or +91 7353226622. You can even email us at info@cadabams.org.
What is the 12-step Alcoholics Anonymous Program?
The 12-step program to fight alcohol addiction was laid down by Alcoholics Anonymous, a group that has been actively involved in changing the mindsets and conversations surrounding addiction in people since its inception. The science and psychology of addiction is surely evolving and might as well bring a change in the role of Alcoholics Anonymous, but the group and its principles will still likely remain the backbone of alcohol addiction recovery treatment programs and groups.
Alcoholics Anonymous 12 step process of recovery from alcohol addiction revolves around a sense of community. People come together to share their strengths, experiences with each other so that they solve their common problem of alcohol addiction and help others to do the same. There are various mentors, accountability buddies in the process of quitting alcohol to ensure that the individual does not relapse.
The twelve steps are a set of principles, spiritual in nature when practiced as a way of life, that can expel the obsession to drink and enable the sufferer to become happily and usefully whole.
Do you have to be religious to join?
Although the program takes a spiritual approach non-religious people also benefit from the program. The spiritual aspect comes into play with the twelve steps and the reference to God or a “higher power”. The 12 steps acknowledge that people may conceptualize higher power in different ways and clarify this with the addition of “as we understood Him” with almost every reference to God. The “higher power” concept is about recognizing that some forces are beyond our control. People of all faiths, even atheists and agnostics have been able to become part of the group and draw maximum strength from the group.
How did Alcoholics Anonymous come into being?
The community-based global Alcoholics Anonymous Program was founded by Bill Wilson and Doctor Bob Smith in 1935 with the aim to help individuals get over their alcohol addiction disorder and stay sober through peer support, daily meetings, and discussions. The group eventually grew to include two more groups, and then, Wilson came up with the philosophy and methods of Alcoholics Anonymous, which came to be known as the Alcoholics Anonymous ‘12 steps program to recover from alcoholism’.
Over time, the 12 steps were adapted in several alcohol anonymous groups and addiction recovery programs to help individuals struggling with forms of addiction other than alcohol. People attending these programs either do it voluntarily to quit problematic drinking or as a part of a therapy program for substance abuse or alcoholism. The primary goal of the 12 step alcoholics anonymous programs is to help people with addiction issues stay life.
How Alcoholic Anonymous Programs Work?
The aim of the AA program is to provide recovering alcoholics a safe platform to share their journey and, in return, necessary support and motivation. AA meetings work in two stages.
Building Insight
Each recovering or struggling alcoholic in the group shares his or her story of how he became alcohol. As the days pass by, members share their experience of how far along they have come, things that are keeping them away from the alcohol, and triggers of the issues. When different people share their stories, there is a flow of ideas and insights.
Support And Motivation
People in AA programs must support and motivate each other to remain sober. They help each other deal with the issues that they might be dealing with during the process. But also applaud the efforts that they have made so far. Support and motivation is an important factor that helps alcoholics stay strongly minded throughout their recovery journey.
12 Step of Alcoholics Anonymous Programs Explained
Here are the 12 steps of alcoholics anonymous to help someone with Alcohol addiction.
Recovery starts when a person admits they have a problem. And, alcohol has made a negative impact in their lives in the form of health problems, relationship issues, and feelings of shame, guilt, and remorse.
A step towards hope. It is possible to be guided in the right direction if the ego is laid aside for something greater.
Turn your life into a better journey. Ask for help, learn to meditate, express gratitude and practice to accept.
The person should know what to be changed with respect to his attitude and behavior. He needs to examine his thoughts and acknowledge his faults and take steps to correct them.
After taking an in-depth inventory of the thoughts, talk to someone who can help you forget your feelings of guilt and shame.
You let go of the attitudes and behaviors holding you back. You let positive behaviors and interactions change for the better with the world. The person will find himself back by repeating it.
Most of the people are powerless to overcome their addiction. It will help them recognize the severity of the defects & thus comprehend the higher power’s ability to transform lives.
Learn to recognize the harm you’ve caused to the people around you. You need to be honest and jot down the names of the people you hurt.
Right your wrongs by sincerely asking forgiveness. It is not necessary that the person accepts.
This is about living with a mindful behavior and attitude that helps us to admit our wrongs.
Make a mindful attempt in the betterment of the path by listening to our higher power through meditation.
You learn to trust & share your wisdom with other alcoholics. It is an inspiration for a successful recovery.
Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) and the 12 Traditions
The literature of Alcoholics Anonymous has also laid down 12 traditions for the members of the group. They are –
- Our common welfare should come first; personal recovery depends upon AA unity.
- For our group purpose there is but one ultimate authority–a loving God as He may express Himself in our group conscience. Our leaders are but trusted servants; they do not govern.
- The only requirement for AA membership is a desire to stop drinking.
- Each group should be autonomous except in matters affecting other groups or AA as a whole.
- Each group has but one primary purpose–to carry its message to the alcoholic who still suffers.
- An AA group ought never to endorse, finance, or lend the AA name to any related facility or outside enterprise, lest problems of money, property, and prestige divert us from our primary purpose.
- Every AA group ought to be fully self-supporting, declining outside contributions.
- Alcoholics Anonymous should remain forever nonprofessional, but our service centers may employ special workers.
- AA, as such, ought never to be organized; but we may create service boards or committees directly responsible to those they serve.
- Alcoholics Anonymous has no opinion on outside issues; hence the AA name ought never to be drawn into public controversy.
- Our public relations policy is based on attraction rather than promotion; we need to always maintain personal anonymity at the level of press, radio, and films.
- Anonymity is the spiritual foundation of all our traditions, ever reminding us to place principles before personalities.
What happens in an Alcoholics Anonymous meeting?
The 12 step program is a type of group intervention, where systematically a person who has completely recovered from addiction and is maintaining sobriety from alcohol or any form of drugs, shares his / her journey thereby instilling hope in every recovering individual to start the journey to sobriety.
How is the Alcoholics Anonymous meeting conducted at Anunitha?
Anunitha invites guest speakers from outside and also has in-house trained professionals who conduct the 12 step program along with other evidence-based groups and psycho-social interventions. Features of our program include:
- Regular Meetings
We conduct regular meetings with trained professionals to offer patients regular support. The expertise of these professionals helps patients stay aligned with the goal of recovery.
- Clinically-Approved Methodology
We take a clinically proven approach to treat alcoholism. This allows us to get more certain results in treating a patient with alcohol abuse disorder.
- Customized Plan
The meeting cannot alone treat alcoholism; the treatment should address the root cause of the issue. We understand that each patient has a unique trigger; hence our experienced therapists build a customized treatment plan for each patient, which includes therapy, medication, and additional support for long-term recovery.
A look into our addiction treatment
Why Cadabam’s?
Treating alcohol abuse disorders is complex, and you need to rely on experienced professionals. Our two decades of experience allow us to provide holistic treatment to a plethora of mental disorders, including alcohol abuse. Our experienced multispecialty team focuses on long-term treatment so that patients get lasting results. Our job is not done just by treating the present symptoms; instead, we focus on providing a more holistic approach. We prepare a comprehensive treatment plan with medications, therapies, family meetings, rehab, and post-care. Our goal is to treat the root cause and help you get back to normal life. Connect with us today and take a step towards beating your addiction. Call us at +91 96111 94949 or +91 7353226622. You can even email us at info@cadabams.org.
Check out this video that explains our approach to addiction treatment –
Disclaimer: We strive to treat our patients with dignity and utmost sensitivity. We understand that alcohol addiction is a disease and that it is not a sign of weakness. Terms like addict, abuser are used not in a derogatory way but to remain relevant to user search trends and common usage. It is important to note that alcohol addiction should be referred to with utmost care and sensitivity to better address the effects of this psychological condition. Words like addict should be avoided. In case you or your loved ones are struggling with alcohol dependency and share a unique viewpoint on how we can improve this content for our readers, please reach out to us at info@cadabamshospitals.com.
What are the four horsemen in AA?
Being a part of the AA program gives you hope that you will recover one day. The support and motivation from team members help you stay on track and achieve your goal of being sober. But there are four horsemen or triggers that hinder the growth; these include –
- Despair
- Frustration
- Bewilderment
- Terror
How does AA define an alcoholic?
There is no formal decision of alcohol in AA. But it can be designed as a physical compulsion accompanied by a mental obsession. An alcoholic has a physical desire to consume alcohol which is beyond his or her ability to control it. Additionally, the desire is so strong that it defies the terms of common sense.
How long does it take to complete a 12-step program?
Generally, a 12-step program includes 90 meetings that are conducted in 90 days. While it may seem like a long time commitment, the results from the program will be worthwhile.