A question in every individual’s mind, while making a choice for an Alcohol and Drug Rehab Centre, is ‘What to expect from the program?’
We have put together multiple perspectives and areas that an individual, or their family members, should review and consider while making this choice. The first detail, that you need to ensure, is that it is a licensed rehab center for the purpose of Alcohol and Drug Rehab Programs and the availability of qualified mental health professionals. Addiction is different for all, thus a personalized treatment plan is needed to cater to each individual’s needs.
At Cadabams, a multispeciality team of experts work round-the-clock and they focus on getting to know you as well as your preferences to offer the best possible treatment plan. Our recommendation is always to spend a day or half a day at the center before making a choice of the right-center to suit your needs and meet with all the professionals. Read the article to know about the different treatment options available at a drug rehab center.
Alcohol and Drug Rehab: What should I expect?
Drug and alcohol treatment is intended to help addicted people stop compulsive substance abuse and consumption. Drug alcohol rehab centers are the frontline of defense against the raging epidemic of substance abuse. Here the personalized treatment programs and methodologies can help people suffering from substance use disorder bring their life back on track. Here’s a quick primer of what to expect when you check into a Drug and Alcohol rehab.
What is Rehab?
A rehabilitation center is a place where a person can focus on managing their addiction issues under supervised environments that aid addiction recovery with ease. All these available treatments and therapies are performed by well-qualified and licensed mental health professionals including a psychiatrist, physicians, clinical psychologists, psychologists, counselors, nurses, and support staff. With the guidance of a drug alcohol rehab, a person can follow a bunch of relevant skills that are needed to lead a sober life like increased confidence, high self-esteem, and controlled behaviors.
When does one need Rehab?
The right time for opting for a rehab program would be when a substance starts to affect an individual’s daily life, relationships-at a personal or professional front, physical health issues, and overall abilities that make an individual dysfunctional. Readiness to seek treatment or enroll in a rehab program could be a challenging step in the recovery journey. It is best advised to evaluate the program, place, and professionals involved in these Drug and Alcohol rehab centers.
Most people are scared of how the drug alcohol treatment center will affect their lives, because of a lack of awareness about the treatment process. But, the more knowledge a person acquires about the process of addiction rehab or a treatment program, the easier their recovery process can be.
Regardless of gender, any person who has completed 18 years of age can avail of treatments at a rehab center. Rehab will only be referred by the medical professional when OP (outpatient) treatment option fails or an individual has sought professional help when he or she has gone beyond the stage of harmful use.
A person needs a rehabilitation center when,
- One is facing an addiction issue for a prolonged period of time
- OP (Outpatient) treatment fails or one needs long-term treatment
- When withdrawal symptoms take over
- When their behavior becomes harmful for self, family, or society
All the drug alcohol rehab programs depend on a person’s condition and level of addiction. If one treatment works for a person, doesn’t mean it can work for others too. Such treatments need to be personalized accordingly.
Treatment options available at Rehab
Here are some of the common drug alcohol treatments used as part of the treatment program.
Detoxification: Detox is the first step of any established drug alcohol rehab center. It is the way to help the body discard any toxic substances present within. A detox program is well supervised and it differs based on the kind of substances used.
Family Therapy: This therapy is highly essential for the individual and plays a vital role in recovery. Family support may have a massive influence on the individual’s mind and the overall objective of this strategy is to reduce the possibility of relapse by strengthening family ties.
Group Therapy: Group therapy sessions support recovering individuals to gain and enhance from the progress of others. This therapy helps people to procure knowledge from the story of others. It makes them understand that they are not alone in the recovery struggle and just like others they can overcome these problems too.
CBT (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy): It is a normal talk therapy in which a medical professional focuses on changing the thinking pattern of the individual. Studies have also proven that CBT is one of the most effective psychotherapies that enriches the individual’s way of thinking and behaving.
(MET) Motivation Enhancement Therapy: MET is almost the same as CBT where the person’s way of thinking and behaving gets a drastic positive change. It provokes the internal motivation of the person to deal with the real world. This therapy is a lot more effective against addiction problems, OCD, PTSD, bipolar, and schizophrenia.
Relapse Prevention: Relapse refers to recurrence. Once the person is out of rehab they have an increased chance to get back to their previous habitual lifestyle. This therapy is known to help the individual to anticipate high-risk situations and help them deal with or handle these situations.
Individual Counselling: Individual counselling is a one-on-one talk therapy that focuses on the potential well-being of the individual at all levels of the treatment.
Community Programs: these programs aid an individual either prior to in-patient or residential programs or post-treatment in drug alcohol rehab programs. The primary focus is to provide supportive services to the individual concerned and his immediate caregivers. It would also involve 12 to 18 sessions of relapse prevention and reintegration sessions, they would also help to recover individuals reintegrate to their community in the best possible manner.
Q.1 How to know if I need help?
Sometimes it’s tough to tell if you’re addicted to a drug or alcohol, you may wonder if you really need professional assistance. But once you notice the signs of often craving that one substance, consuming that substance in large amounts, and this habit affects your personal and professional life. It’s time to look for help from experts.
Q.2 What should I look for in a Rehab Centre?
When considering multiple rehab centers, ensure to do your research on the services that each one offers. Factors like, experience, staff, personalized treatment, location, and a lot more matter when looking for a rehab centre. Check the record, look for feedback and reviews of a certain rehab center. It’s vital to see how successful their treatment and approach are towards fixing one’s habits and patterns.
Q.3 What kind of treatments are available at Rehab centres?
Certainly, there are numerous kinds of addiction treatment programs available. One option is not better than others; it all depends on your own addiction, condition, mental health problems, and needs. Doctors may recommend medication, lifestyle changes, individual therapy, group therapy, or family therapy or a combination of these.
Q.4 What is the success rate of rehab?
The globally accepted success rate in rehab would be 40% to 45% in the longer-term horizon of 3 years to 5 years. At Cadabams our success rate is around 60% to 65% in a short term horizon of 2 years, it would reduce to around 50% to 55% in a medium to long term horizon. Do feel free to write to us at info@cadabams.org with a request for a recent publication on the success rate for the Cadabams rehab program.
When you or a loved one is suffering from drug or alcohol addiction, rehab will not only steer them towards a stable recovery journey, but it will also help them find treatment for mental disorders that lead to addiction. At Cadabams, successful rehabilitation takes place with sensitivity, love, and professional support.
Q.5 What is the process of rehab like?
We follow a 5 step process in a person checking in to the rehab program at Cadabams as illustrated in the image above.
Phases of recovery could be best illustrated in the image above, there is also a detailed outlay on our programs in this link for drug alcohol rehab programs.
Seek help for addiction
Take the right steps towards recovery and find a suitable solution rather than dwelling on the problem. No matter the scale of the problem, recovery is always possible and it’s never too late to lead a happy life.
Professional help via drug rehab programs is available to break the cycle of addiction. Early intervention could make a lot of difference by uplifting the individual’s quality of life. For evidence-based treatments and therapies, get in touch with experts at Cadabams.
You can call us on our mental health helpline at +91 96111 94949 for further details on alcohol and drug addiction treatment in India.
Disclaimer – We strive to treat our patients with dignity and the utmost sensitivity. We understand that addiction is a disease and that it is not a sign of weakness. The term alcoholic, alcoholism, or addicts is used not in a derogatory fashion but to remain relevant to user search trends and common usage.
It is important to note that addiction should be referred to as ‘substance use disorder’ to better address the effects of this psychological condition. Words like addict, junkie, etc should be avoided as they place the blame on the individual. Individuals/person/people suffering from substance use disorder or substance dependence syndrome should be used. In case you or a loved are struggling with alcohol abuse and share a unique viewpoint on how we can improve this content for our readers, please reach out to us at info@cadabams.org