A child and a lady taking care of alcoholic trapped in an alcohol bottle.

Artwork by Nitya Menon

A child and a lady taking care of alcoholic trapped in an alcohol bottle.

Deciphering the Impact of Alcoholism on Family Relationships

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Written by Sreelakshmi

There are various negative consequences of alcoholism, and of course, the most affected in the person themselves. However,  one of the most important ones is the impact on the family. It can completely change the once-shared dynamic between the individuals, but do not worry—this can be worked on and amended.

What is Alcoholism?

Generally speaking, alcoholism is excessive drinking of alcohol, which causes significant mental health and physical health problems. 

Alcohol Use Disorder (AUD) is a pattern of drinking alcohol that involves issues with controlling or reducing the amounts of alcohol and frequency of drinking. A person with AUD continues their alcohol consumption even when it causes them problems. 

It might be an uphill battle for them to quit alcohol, as rapidly decreasing their consumption or stopping drinking might cause withdrawal symptoms!

Alcohol Addiction Signs

Certain signs can looked out for when considering the issue of alcoholism, such as:

Unpredictable Behavior

An alcoholic usually has unpredictable behavior. This behavior creates chaos in one’s family as well as in one’s social life. The person argues and abuses other people mentally and physically as well. In these cases, it is hard to predict the alcoholic’s behaviour.

Deception and Lies

Deception is one of the real features of alcohol addicts. Most of them constantly lie about extreme elements that may affect their relationships, and this can extend to white lies or serious things even, to continue funneling their addiction. 

Domestic Violent behavior

This is a common problem in cases of alcohol addicts causing arguments to take a high pitch in the relationships. A person loses their self-control and behaves aggressively with their partner when under the influence of alcohol. 

Guilty Feeling

An alcoholic often repents for what went on the previous day when they had drunk if they might have misbehaved. They apologize for hurting others, and the lingers on—but in most cases, not strong enough to warrant a change in behaviour patterns. 

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13 Impacts of Alcohol Addiction on Family Dynamics

The following are some ways in which alcohol addiction affects family dynamics:

Emotional Turmoil and Instability

One can expect that the emotional turmoil in the family will definitely increase since the cognitive functioning of the addict will not be in the best shape. They will not be emotionally in tune or available and will be in a world of their own, which they can’t and usually don’t want to control—leading to instability in the family. 

Financial Struggles and Burdens

If one has a drinking problem, then one will inevitably overspend on alcohol, no matter how good of a budgeter one may be. Other than the actual alcohol, since one's inhibitions are also lowered when one drinks, one tends to spend money on things impulsively. 

Increased Family Conflict and Arguments

The turmoil caused by alcohol will lead to many conflicts and arguments about functioning in the same family. Arguments can be about the smallest of things, but they mostly fall on deaf ears since the person in concern will not be in any shape to listen properly or respond logically. 

Effects on Children’s Development and Behaviour

Children can also become codependent on a loved one’s alcohol misuse, or at least be significantly affected. Since the child comes into alcohol early on and not under guided circumstances, it is very likely that they will get into it at an early stage, unsupervised—which is unlikely to have a great end result. 

Erosion of Trust and Relationship Bonds

The trust level in the person falls when one becomes an alcoholic because they can no longer be depended upon when needed. This, of course, will affect the way they are seen and treated, and they will no longer be able to help around like they used to. 

Social Isolation of the Family

In certain cases, the family ends up getting ostracised because of the one member who is an alcoholic. They are stopped being invited to places, and people stop interacting with them because they don’t feel comfortable being around someone drunk a lot of the time. 

Health Risks and Concerns for Family Members

Health risks are aplenty when it comes to alcoholism, such as liver and blood pressure-related problems, as well as gaining weight, to just name a few. The strains felt on the family members are also felt when a functioning family member falls off, which can become a matter of concern for everyone around.

Psychological Stress and Mental Health Issues

One’s mental health also takes a toll when one becomes an alcohol addict—things such as depression and anxiety can creep in, and soon, it can become a comorbid situation wherein the mental health issues increase, making it tougher to get better. 

Disruption of Family Routines and Stability

Short-term effects such as hangovers stop people from being able to meet commitments as well as invite unhealthy coping behaviours (such as not exercising and bad eating habits). One’s daily routine gets messed up if one wakes up hungover every day.

Legal Problems and Social Consequences

Drinking too much can lead to one becoming disorderly, and potentially getting into fights, whether in public or in private. Being drunk and disorderly in public or driving under the influence and just violence, in general, can be the cause of a lawsuit against the person. 

Impact on Intimate and Marital Relationships

Since a spousal relationship is usually one where one depends on the other for things, having one partner be an alcoholic is difficult for the other. When alcohol seeps into the marriage, either in the form of a change in behaviours or added economic strain, it takes a toll on the marriage and one’s intimate life as well.

Domestic Violence Exacerbated by Alcoholism

There is an increase seen in alcohol consumption and domestic violence, wherein the perpetrator was under the influence when inflicting the violence. The prevalence of alcohol, however, in abuse situations does not necessarily mean that drinking causes domestic violence, but it may be a factor in the violence.

Long-Term Trauma and Healing Challenges

The effects felt on the body, as well as loved ones around the person who is an alcoholic, can be long-term, and the time taken to heal can also be a longer one than usual. The way they behave completes changes, so the loved ones also face the backlash of their addiction. 

Effective Ways to Help Your Loved One Quit Drinking Alcohol

  • Get equipped: Before helping someone else, you should ensure that you have enough knowledge about the issue. Before helping others, you need to learn the signs, symptoms, and effects of addiction. You can also consult a mental health professional for reliable information.
  • Be honest: If you feel and are sure enough that someone close to you needs help, tell them. It is better to tell them than some other person. Also, let them know you are concerned about their condition and motivate them to get help. Remember that there is no use ignoring their behaviour and hoping that they will gradually come out of it.
  • Involve others: Share your concerns about the individual with others who are important to that person and who might be able to assist them in getting the help they need. Though this is a risky step, it can be quite effective. You need to be careful about whom to involve. Ask them to talk and motivate the alcoholic person to recover.
  • Encourage, not force: While being concerned, there are times that you might sound like you are forcing them. You do need to show concern, but let them decide for themselves. If you try to force them into something, it might backfire. Also, do not agree with false promises of cutting off the habit. Encourage them to take a professional Alcohol Dependence treatment program.
  • Be with them throughout. Your role continues after they agree to join a treatment program. Show them encouragement and support while they are taking the Alcohol Dependence treatment. It is at this stage that social support is essential as the journey becomes difficult for the individual.
  • Be careful of how you behave with them. Keep in mind that your ways of showing support and encouragement do not label the individual. There are also chances that they might want to manipulate you and seek excuses to engage in the addictive habit.

Importance of Family Involvement in Alcohol Dependence Treatment

The strain of having a member of the family who is an addict is tough, but the support of the family is needed to help them get better over time. They must be around and be involved in matters to help them feel supported and seen through the process and to keep helping them maintain a routine they can sustain. 

Seeking Professional Treatment

Alcoholism is best treated with professional care and family support. Helping an alcoholic to quit drinking alcohol can be a challenging journey, and you should constantly support them but also ensure they do not depend on you. Our counselor plays a vital role in treating alcohol dependence addiction, focusing primarily on emotional support, behavior modification, and helping individuals develop coping strategies. A therapist in alcohol dependence addiction treatment plays several key roles, often involving psychotherapeutic interventions to help the individual understand and overcome the psychological aspects of their addiction. It is also important that you take help for yourself when you feel overwhelmed. If you still feel lost on how to help someone with alcoholism, don’t worry. We are here to help.

At Cadabams, our expert psychiatrists play a critical role in treating alcohol dependence addiction through a combination of clinical interventions, psychological support, and medication management. 

Why choose Cadabams for Alcohol Rehab?

Cadabams is one of the best alcohol addiction rehab centres that offer evidence-based solutions and treatments. One of the leading Alcohol and Drug rehabilitation centres in Bangalore, Cadabams Anunitha is committed to producing successful recovery outcomes by personalizing the drug and alcohol rehabilitation process for addicts with different struggles and unique challenges.

Anunitha’s inpatient alcohol rehab centre and drug rehab centre have personalized support from medical staff and round-the-clock care. A holistic Alcohol Dependence treatment plan is customised based on the patient’s needs.

If you are searching for a solution to your problem, Cadabams Anunitha’s De-Addiction Centre can help you with its team of specialized experts. We have been helping thousands of people live healthier and happier lives for 30+ years. We leverage evidence-based approaches and holistic Alcohol Dependence treatment methods to help individuals effectively avoid alcohol Addiction. Get in touch with us today. You can call us at +91 96111 94949.


Book screening with our director of triage,  Kamlesh Verma

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When and How to Get Help for Alcoholism

Get help when your alcohol consumption drives and controls you, instead of the other way around.

If you feel that you are facing family or financial issues due to your habit, you need to quit alcohol in family. If you want to quit alcohol, but are unable to do so, seek professional help. If you think that your spouse or family member might be an alcoholic, talk with them without being judgmental and encourage them to get help. It might be difficult to make them realize that they are suffering from an addiction, especially if they are high-functioning alcoholics. However, if your happiness, stability, or safety is threatened, you must seek professional help! Feel free to call us at +91 97414 76476 or contact our website.

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