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What can I do if I know someone who is suicidal?

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Atleast 8 lakh people die of suicide every year around the world. While that many die, there are 20 times more people who have attempted for suicide. On World Suicide Prevention Day 2015, here are a few things you can do if you know someone eliciting suicidal symptoms

  • Be aware of the risk factors, the warning signs and where to get help
  • Be direct and talk to them openly and matter-of-factly about suicide and your concern about their well-being
  • Be willing to listen and allow them to express their feelings

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  • Be non-judgmental and avoid raising debate whether suicide is right or wrong or good or bad
  • Be available and show support and care
  • Do not dare him/ her to engage in suicidal behaviors

  • Do not act shocked
  • Do not ask why
  • Do not be sworn to secrecy
  • Offer hope that alternatives are available


Book screening with our director of triage,  Kamlesh Verma

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  • Take action and remove any means of self-harm accessible to them such as pills, rope or drugs
  • Get help from others with more experience or expertise
  • Be actively involved in encouraging the person to see a mental health professional as soon as possible

For any psychiatric emergencies, call +91-9741476476 or visit or

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