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Understanding Dementia & Alzheimer’s Disease

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Dementia is a term used to define a decline in the mental ability of a person including memory loss, difficulty in thought processing, problem-solving and language. While the symptoms develop slowly, they eventually become severe enough to hinder a person’s ability to function at work or even perform his usual day-to-day activities. Dementia is caused by brain damage. Alzheimer’s Disease is a most common type of dementia and it accounts for 60-80 percent of the dementia cases.

Alzheimer’s refers to a progressive brain cell failure in a person’s body, which can develop as a result of the complex combination of multiple factors, which includes the following Alzheimer’s causes.

Alzheimer’s Causes

  • Old age – Advancing age puts a person at greater risk of getting Alzheimer’s. As per a study, the risk of Alzheimer’s doubles every 5 years after the age of 65 and reaches almost 50 percent after the age of 85. Yet it is not just a disease of an old age. Around 5 percent of Alzheimer’s patient experience the early onset of the symptoms in their 40’s or 50’s.
  • Genetics – Inheriting APOE-e4 gene from parents puts a patient at a greater risk of developing Alzheimer’s. The APOE-e4 gene is implicated in 20-25 percent of Alzheimer’s cases. The risk increases with proportional increase in the number of gene copies inherited from parents. Although it is not a certainty, the presence of the gene can trigger early onset of the Alzheimer’s symptoms.
  • Family history – A research indicates higher chances of developing Alzheimer’s, in case one has a parent, sibling or a relative suffering from the disease. This can be a result of either genetic or environmental factor affecting them.

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Alzheimer’s Disease Symptoms

Alzheimer’s symptoms to watch out for.

  • Inability to take-in new or remember new information, like forgetting regular appointments or losing personal belongings etc.
  • Poor reasoning or judgment.
  • Difficulty in decision-making.
  • Trouble in understanding visual images or three-dimensional objects.
  • Confusion with time and place.
  • The problem with conversing, reading, and writing.
  • Repeating conversation.
  • Difficulty recognizing common objects, familiar faces, and place.
  • Frequent and random mood changes
  • Frustration or feeling irritable
  • Withdrawal from social situations.

Book screening with our director of triage,  Kamlesh Verma

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Alzheimer’s is a progressive disease. The symptoms are very mild in the initial stages, making it difficult to detect early on. By the time the disease is detected, most patients can’t even carry on a conversation or even respond to any engagement.

As per a research, an individual lives only an average of eight years, once he or she is diagnosed with Alzheimer’s. Hence, it is important to speak up about Alzheimer’s and encourage the patient and their families to speak their mind for timely diagnosis and treatment.

Know more about the Alzheimer’s disease and its treatment. Call Cadabam’s now at 9611194949.

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