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Residential treatment centres good for curing severe addiction

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First of all it is seldom easy to come out of it. Those who do, have to contend with the possibility of a post-de-addiction longing and in worst case a return to the substance. For a miniscule, the journey via the path of drugs to complete de-addiction seems unending. In such cases a residential treatment regimen helps expedite the recovery process.

Cure for severe addiction

No doubt residential treatment has been found to be very effective in curing people with severe addiction problem. But experts call for a cautious approach while deciding on a particular centre for such a treatment. Though in its new modern avatar the residential treatment centres can easily compete with a resort, it is important to be sure if the treatment and ambience suit the needs of the patient concerned.

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Learn from interaction

For example there are certain residential treatment facilities which are meant only for women. Then, there are some in which people with criminal background are admitted for treatment. But in many ways residential treatment facilities provide an important platform for patients to learn from their own personal interactions with fellow inmates and their experiences and get freedom from substance abuse.

Deal with problem

Rehabilitation-cum-treatment centres provide patients with an opportunity to be firsthand witness to the struggles of an addicted person: how he makes efforts to get rid of his habit and the challenges being faced by him or her in overcoming addiction. It serves both as an eye-opener and a learning experience for the person and helps him deal with his problem and come out of it in a time-bound manner.

Stay time

Residential treatment facilities come with certain conditions. Any patient trying to look for a suitable centre for himself or herself need to be mentally prepared to stay there for a minimum of at least a month or beyond. In many cases of acute symptoms patients may have to stay put at the centre for a year or so till he or she is out of the crisis and on way to complete recovery.


Book screening with our director of triage,  Kamlesh Verma

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Routine healthcare

The residence at the treatment centres is helpful in more than one ways. It not only enables patients to interact and learn from the experiences of other patients but also ensures that there are trained staff members to take care of his or her health on a routine basis. Such centres are helpful for patients with severe symptoms as it saves them or their families the trouble of physically travelling to the mental healthcare centre for treatment.

Different centres

The de-addiction cum treatment facilities vary from one treatment centre to the other. Some centres have clear guidelines ruling out any visits by friends or family members during the course of the treatment. Some centres have no such restrictions and allow patients or visitors to come to the centre as per their convenience. A lot also depends on the duration of the treatment. The longer the period of treatment the longer is the stay at the centre.

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