Are panic and anxiety attack the same? This article gives a hawk’s eye view on the commonly asked questions about the panic attack and anxiety. Panic attack & anxiety concepts are commonly misunderstood because of similarity in the symptoms of anxiety and Panic.
The combination of fear and stress is the experience we face in our daily life which makes us uneasy whenever it happens. when we are worried about the future event or anticipating a bad outcome we tend to fall on general uneasy feelings and muscle tension resulting in anxiety. If the same person encounters it continuously then it’s an anxiety disorder.
Symptoms of anxiety and Panic Attack:
Anxiety Panic attack
Rapid and high heartbeat pounding Sense of impending doom or danger
Stomach discomfort Dizziness, lightheadedness or faintness
Difficulty in deep breathing Hot flashes
Sharp chest pains Abdominal cramps
Nausea The feeling of unreality or detachment
Although both may sound similar, panic and anxiety attack are two different disorders. If the victim doesn’t know which one he/she suffering from, it might be very difficult to find the appropriate treatment. Consider this case if the victim followed wrong disorder, then it’s wasting time on addressing the wrong issue.
Panic attacks can make the victim to undergo sufferings without any warnings. When the body’s nervous system senses awkward and feels like it’s under danger or attack and tends to lose it control over the body. It lasts for a few minutes or hours.
Whereas in anxiety, it’s very predictable because it is a natural response to certain situations, also the attack of anxiety is the more intense form of emotion. The individual can feel all the time in the background, in the subconscious of his/her mind. Anxiety is more severe than the simple feeling it can last anywhere and anytime for minutes, hours or even weeks.
Differences between panic and anxiety attack:
Symptoms Intense Mild
Duration Short Short – long
Onset Sudden Gradual
Disorder Yes Yes
You or your loved one suffering from panic and anxiety attack, it is important to consult a mental health care professional.
Visit Cadabam’s and know more about the best treatment options for panic and anxiety attack related problems. If you are looking for assistance call us at +91 96111 94949.