Why do you think most of the people at workplaces meet with the addiction behaviors such as the use of drugs and alcohol? It would be obvious that you or some of your colleagues might be using alcohol or drugs now and then. Isn’t it? But, what do you think that is causing you or your friend towards addiction? Yes, it may be the stress at the workplace or even anxiety or the depression, but of all the above you will be distressed to hear that the biggest enigma behind this cause may be the mental illness haunting the person within. This the time we need to have a talk about Mental health and Addictions in the Workplace.
Yes, it is important we must remember our mental health at the workplace. Do you know only 1 in 5 persons at the corporate workplaces receive the mental health care attention they need?
How does Mental Health and Addictions happen in the Workplace?
If you have a dilemma as to which occurs first- mental illness or addiction, then you should know that addiction is common in the persons with mental illnesses. A report says that 50% of the people at corporate offices suffering from mental health disorders are likely to get addicted to substance abusers.
Also, anxiety, stress, and depression are becoming the leading causes of loss of productivity in most of the companies worldwide. Some people are even recognized with dual diagnosis (co-occurring disorders or have both mental health issues such as depression, anxiety or bipolar disorder along with substance abuse problems).
How Mental Health and Addictions affect you at the Workplace?
The Mental health and Addictions have adverse effects on your work-life balance like-
- Can make you feel fatigue.
- It lowers your thinking capability thus reducing performance in the office.
- State of distress or depression lowering the quality of your work.
- It can be a barrier to generating new ideas and thoughts creating judgemental problems.
- Can make your physically too ill.
- Can make your thoughts disorganized thus creating relationship problems with your co-workers.
It is never an easy task to deal with the substance abuse issues and when it even gets more difficult while fighting with Mental health and Addictions. This only makes sense that the thing affecting daily life can also affect work life, too. Hence, a mental illness causing addiction can make it too hard to perform your job properly.
But, still, many of them do not stay aware of these issues and also though these mental health issues affect the way they work, they do not seek a help because they fear it might lose their self-respect among coworkers or think that this enigma is the biggest confrontations to face when it comes to talking about Mental health and Addictions.
Fight mental health stigma & addiction the Right Way
Despite the above possible negative impacts, the news isn’t bad. Many of them recover from their Mental health and Addictions issues. The employees who are recovering and the ones who recovered from their mental health problems may be actually performing better and may be managing stress than other employees. This is possible because they make use of strategies and some of the treatments in the right and possible manner.
Remember, when a mental illness goes unrecognized or untreated, then addiction issues actually get worse. Also, when addiction increases, the mental health issues increase as well. These both are like vice-versa. Hence it is important for you to see that there are few treatments and therapy techniques that can help you get your life back on the track. Always hope for the better, because you are not alone, there are health professionals to support you and assist you.
If you or your close one or a friend has a Mental health and Addictions issues at the workplace, then feel free to reach us @+91 96111 94949 and help them reclaim their quality of life.