The typical reaction of a person who is advised to consult a psychiatrist is ‘am I mad’ there are lot of myths and misconceptions about persons needing psychiatric help and the role of psychiatrist with them.
Among the ailments affecting mankind mental illness is the least understood both among the public and sadly even among the doctors. Mental illness is very common and easily treated. It is a precursor to various ailments and a lot of expensive tests and unnecessary medications can be avoided if the problem is identified early.
Following are certain facts/ behavior of mental illness.
Mental illness is an ailment which needs to be treated clinically (like diabetes hypothyroidism etc.) contrary to popular beliefs mental illness cannot be mitigated by yoga, meditation, witchcraft, black magic, prayer, poojas and any other religious rituals. It is very important to note many of the times YOGA, MEDITATION will aggravate the severity of mental illness.
The following abnormal behavior also constitutes mental illness in varying degrees such as abusive, assultive behavior, short tempered, laziness not engaged in any work, unable to persist in any work or vocation, unable to succeed in any endeavor. Constantly blaming time and others especially family member for their failure etc.
Individuals undergoing multiple doctor consultations multiple tests, taking self medication for chest pain, stomach pain, neck and low back pain, headache without an apparent diagnosis of disease.
All doctors say ‘nothing is abnormal’ but still they are suffering. At one point of time the family member also get frustrated and fails to hear their problems. They feel ‘nobody understands my physical sufferings’ ‘Even doctors do not understand’.
It is also a form of mental illness termed as somatization hypochondriasis. It is very important to understand that their suffering, like pain are real, not imagination(or) over representation.
They need sympathy from family members. Empathy and scientific treatment from a good physician or psychiatrist.
Repetitive irresistible and unwanted thoughts of sex and violence. Like “sexual organs come into my thought when praying to god” “sexual thoughts come into my mind when talking with somebody who are my sister others status.”
Obsession with perfection, orderliness, cleanliness, repeated washing of hands and spending hours in bathroom, constant and repeated checking, counting etc.
Even children apart from autism dyslexia etc are also known to suffer from mental illnesses like depression anxiety psychosis obsession etc.
Scientific evidence says that a 2 year old baby can be suffering from depressive disorder. But the manifestation cannot be as in adults like sleep disturbances decreased appetite sex etc.
For 2 yrs old baby depression manifest as failure to thrive, poor feeding, incessant cry.
During adolescent age depression manifest as drug abuse, sexual confusions, self inflicting behavior.
Because of our cultural and social concept that man should not cry women should not laugh. Men’s depression mostly manifests as alcoholics and women’s depression mostly manifests as hyper religiosity.
So many people could have a better quality of life if only they recognized and acknowledged the symptoms of mental illness and sought psychiatric help early. With so much advancement in modern psychiatry and being a well researched subject it is an emergency need for our society to use mental health progression services.
Seek early help and lead better quality of life.
Mental Illness Treatment Center