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Everything You Need To Know About Drug/ Alcohol Rehab Center

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What is a rehabilitation center?

A rehabilitation centre is a place where an individual can work over his addiction issues under supervised environments that aid addiction recovery with ease. All these treatments and therapies are carried out by well-trained mental health professionals including a psychiatrist, clinical psychologists, psychologists, counselors, nurses & support staffs. With the help of a rehabilitation center a person can build a set of appropriate skills that are necessary for a sober life such as increased confidence, high self-esteem and controlled behaviours.  

Who can be treated in a rehabilitation center?

Irrespective of gender any person who completed 18 years of age can avail treatment inside a rehab center. Rehab will be referred by the medical professional when OP (outpatient) fails.

At what stage a person needs rehabilitation/ de-addiction center?

A person requires a rehabilitation center when,

  • One is facing addiction issue for a prolonged period of time
  • OP (Outpatient) treatment fails or one is in need of long-term treatment
  • When withdrawal symptoms take over
  • When their behaviour becomes harmful for self, family or society

How long is the stay in a rehabilitation center?

Often rehab programmes range from 28 days to 90 days. The duration of stay entirely depends upon the severity and history of the addiction. However, most of the centres accommodate short stay /long stay, inpatient and outpatient options.

What to carry for a rehab program?

Notebook or journal pad to write about the improvement of health or procedures of medicine, etc. Pictures (photos) of family, friends and loved one.

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What are the treatment options available in a rehabilitation center?

  • Detoxification

Detoxification is the primary process in most of the rehabilitation centres. In this treatment process, the toxic and harmful substances are eliminated from the body. And the medical intervention helps them to cope with the withdrawal symptoms. Furthermore, the medical experts help the individuals to nullify the withdrawal symptoms with the help of medications.

  • CBT (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy)

It is a basic talk therapy where the medical professional aims to change the thinking pattern of the individual. Studies have proven that CBT is one of the effective psychotherapy that enriches the individual’s way of thinking and behaving.

  • Family Therapy:

This therapy is most crucial for the individual and play an important role in recovery. Family support may have a huge impact on the individual’s mind and the overall purpose of this strategy is to minimize the possibility of relapse by strengthening family ties.

  • Group therapy:

Group therapy sessions support the recovering individuals to acquire and improve from the progress of others. This therapy helps the individual to procure the knowledge from the story of others. Lastly, it makes them understand that they are not alone in the recovery struggle.

  • Motivation Enhancement Therapy:

MET is quite similar to CBT where the person’s way of thinking and behaving gets a drastic positive change. It provokes the internal motivation of the individual to deal with the realistic world. This therapy is more effective against addiction issues, OCD, PTSD, bipolar and schizophrenia.

  • Relapse Prevention

Relapse means recurrence, once the person is out of rehab he /she has an increased chance to get back to the same habitual. This therapy provides the individual to anticipate the high-risk situation plus help them to deal with or handle the issue.    

  • Individual counseling

Regardless of the issue, anyone can get the benefit of counseling it might be grief, psychological trauma, depression or addiction issues. Individual counseling focuses on the potential well-being of the individual at all the stages of the treatment.


Book screening with our director of triage,  Kamlesh Verma

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Apart from treatments what happens inside a rehab center?

There are many activities planned inside the rehab to ensure the recovery program is both effective and also keeps the recovering individuals engaged. Some of the activities are:

  • Reel therapy
  • Day  outings (with support staff &/or counselor)
  • Family meetings
  • Group discussions
  • Art therapy
  • Assisted employment
  • Social skills training

When you get in touch?

You might be reading this blog for yourself or for the adored one. Recovery is possible and it’s never too late. Professional help is available to break the cycle of addiction. Early intervention could make a lot of difference by improving the individual’s quality of life. For the evidence-based treatments and therapies, call  Cadabam’s Anunitha on +919611194949.

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