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Recognising Early Signs of Alcoholism

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Written by Tsering

According to The World Health Organisation, about 2.6 million fatalities worldwide in 2019 were related to alcohol drinking. Drinking alcohol has been normalised as a routine part of social gatherings, despite the alarming numbers and its potential risks. Alcoholism can have severe mental and physical health complications, impairing a person’s daily functioning and overall well-being.   

Therefore, it is crucial to address this condition with the right approach. Our professionals at Cadabam offer personalised treatment plans that are supportive of long-term recovery without overwhelming individuals.   

What is Alcoholism? 

Alcoholism is a mental health condition where individuals have no control over alcohol consumption despite being aware of the harmful consequences on their overall wellness. When a person is faced with negative emotions like loneliness, sadness, rejection, fear, or anger, they are not equipped with the correct tools to manage them and often end up relying on alcohol. Recognising its signs and understanding its impact on mental, emotional, and physical health can help manage the condition effectively. 

Early Signs of Alcoholism 

Identifying the signs of alcoholism can help develop a more effective and personalised treatment plan. There are a few key signs to check whether you or your loved ones have alcoholism issues.   

Increased Tolerance 

When an individual consumes alcohol regardless of day and time for a long time, their tolerance level increases to attain the desired effects. They can drink more than they used to. Recognising your or your loved one's increased tolerance level as a red flag can help provide early interventions.  

Frequent Drinking 

A shift from occasional drinking to frequent doesn't start suddenly. When an individual keeps on making excuses to drink, whether it's to celebrate, unwind, or just because it is available, it becomes habitual and a central part of their routine, leading to dependency. This is considered a major red flag. 

Neglecting Responsibilities 

When the central part of the individual routine depends on consuming alcohol, responsibilities, and duties are completely neglected. They spend their whole day drinking, depleting their financial resources, or thinking about different ways to acquire one. Missing work, neglecting family duties, or letting personal care slip are serious signs of trouble and indicate that their priorities are shifting in a harmful direction. 

Social Withdrawal 

Alcoholic individuals often distance themselves from their friends and loved ones. They usually prefer drinking alone, avoid social gatherings, and shy away from all the activities they once used to enjoy or activities that don't involve alcohol. This can impact maintaining a healthy relationship. 

Preoccupation with alcohol 

It's a big red flag when someone's thoughts are all on drinking. When alcohol isn't accessible, they might get upset or continuously plot when they can take another drink. Alcohol may become their main focus rather than merely a component of their lifestyle, and obsession takes precedence over other aspects of their well-being. 

Loss of Control 

One of the worst parts of alcoholism is losing control over drinking patterns. When someone plans to cut back on drinking after only one drink but ends up having several more, it's an indication that alcohol is controlling them. This lack of control might result in dangerous circumstances and is a warning that you might require expert assistance. 

Engaging in Risky Behaviours 

Alcoholism frequently results in dangerous actions that a person wouldn't ordinarily participate in, such as driving while intoxicated, making bad choices, or even endangering other people. These behaviours demonstrate the harmful hold alcohol can have since they put not only their own life but also the lives of those around them in jeopardy. 

Experiencing Withdrawal Symptoms 

When an individual stops drinking or wants to cut down on their drinking habits, they often experience various physical and mental discomforts, known as withdrawal symptoms. Shaking hands, sweating, anxiety, or even nausea when they haven’t had a drink are clear indicators that their body is craving alcohol to function normally.

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Behavioural Symptoms of Alcoholism 

Excessive alcohol consumption can impact one’s behaviours, often ending up being violent and harmful to them and others around them. These behavioural changes are one of the most telling signs of alcoholism. You might notice someone becoming more secretive, lying about their drinking habits, or even becoming defensive when questioned about it. 

Neglecting Responsibilities 

When drinking alcohol is the primary component of a person's routine, responsibilities and duties are entirely disregarded. They spend the entire day drinking, spending all their money, or considering how to get more. Absence from work, disregarding family responsibilities, or putting off personal care are warning indications that something is wrong and should be addressed.  

Social Withdrawal 

People who drink too much tend to isolate themselves from their friends and family. They typically shy away from all the things they used to like or that don't include alcohol, prefer to drink alone and avoid social events. This can have an impact on their relationships, whether it’s family, friends, lovers, or colleagues.  

Changes in Social Circles 

Alcoholics may begin to distance themselves from people who voice concerns about their conduct or who don't share their habits. Alternatively, they may find themselves drawn to new acquaintances who approve of or favor their drinking. This shift in social circles may cause them to become more distant from loved ones, which may increase their alcoholism and encourage bad habits.  

Psychological Symptoms of Alcoholism 

The impact of alcohol on the psychological well-being of a person is often the most overlooked one. Mental health is equally affected as physical health. The initial usage of alcohol might be voluntary, but the subsequent drinking might be influenced by various factors. Their cravings became extremely difficult to stop when they wanted to change. 

Preoccupation with alcohol 

When someone's whole mental process revolves around drinking, it's a huge red sign. When alcohol isn't available, they may become irritated or constantly scheme when they can have another drink. Alcohol may become their primary focus rather than just a part of their lifestyle, and preoccupation takes precedence over other elements of their well-being.  

Loss of Control 

Losing control of one's drinking habits is one of the most difficult aspects of alcoholism. When someone intends to cut back on drinking after just one drink but ends up drinking several more, it indicates that alcohol is dominating them. This loss of control can lead to harmful situations and should be seen as a warning that you may need professional help.  

Mood Swings and Irritability 

Mood swings and irritability are typical alcoholic behavioural indicators. They could appear normal for one minute, then snap at something minor or act irrationally furious. The emotional and physical toll that alcohol has on the body and mind is frequently the cause of these erratic mood swings. When they haven't had a drink in a while, their irritation may be quite noticeable. 

Physical Symptoms of Alcoholism 

Physical symptoms of alcoholism are often visible. They can vary but often include several noticeable signs, and addressing those signs early can help design better treatment plans and boost the recovery journey. Several physical symptoms can be 

Withdrawal Symptoms 

Withdrawal symptoms are a range of discomforts, both physical and psychological that people commonly feel when they cut back or quit drinking. When they haven't had a drink, shaking hands, sweating, nervousness, or even nausea are obvious signs that their body needs alcohol to function properly.  

Changes in Appearance 

Frequent drinking can lead to changes in one’s appearance, including dull or flushed skin, dark circles and puffiness under the eyes, unexplained weight gain or loss, brittle hair, and generally unkempt or neglected appearance. These could be the indicators for seeking professional help to get life back on track. 

Risky Behaviours Associated with Alcoholism 

Alcoholism often leads to risky behaviours that one would not normally engage in, such as drunk driving, poor decision-making, or even putting other people in danger. These actions show the damaging effects that alcohol may have. 

Engaging in Dangerous Activities 

When under the influence or having a strong desire to acquire alcohol, it can push individuals into pursuing dangerous activities, like driving under the influence, participating in reckless behaviours, and putting themselves or others in danger. Sometimes, this recklessness can manifest in unsafe sexual practices or frequent accidents. 

Legal and Financial Problems 

Alcohol can bring legal and financial problems. Engaging in dangerous activities like driving under the influence or illegally trying to access alcohol can cause legal problems. Financial problems arise from overspending on alcohol, neglecting bills, or losing employment due to poor performance or absence at work, pilling up to debt, legal fees, and general instability. 

Long-Term Consequences of Alcoholism 

Long-term consequences of alcohol, like health complications and impaired relationships, are expected when individuals consume it for a long time. It is paramount to get treatment.  Seeking alcohol experts' support can help you regain control of your life and equip yourself with healthy tips to manage cravings.  

Health Complications 

Alcohol can have a severe impact on an individual’s health and lead to various health complications like fatty liver or hepatitis. It increases the risk of developing cardiovascular issues, such as high blood pressure, heart disease, and stroke. These health issues can vary depending on their drinking patterns and severity level.   

Impact on Relationships 

Alcoholism can have a profound and often destructive impact on relationships. As drinking becomes a central focus, constant legal and financial problems, neglecting duties and responsibilities, social withdrawal, and engaging in risky activities can make communication and understanding difficult and, thus, become hurdles in maintaining a healthy relationship.  

Seeking Help and Treatment Options 

The first step is always the hardest part of starting a recovery journey. There are many resources and help available to support individuals in managing their alcoholism condition. Rehab facilities or centres provide various treatment options, catering to the different needs of individuals. They start their treatment with detoxification programs to manage withdrawal syndrome.  

Therapeutic interventions like cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT), dialectical behavioural therapy (DBT), motivational interviewing (MI), and family therapy can help each individual navigate, understand and equip healthy tips. If needed, professionals will include medications and combine them with other approaches to enhance the efficacy of the treatment plan. 

Taking the First Step Towards Alcohol Recovery with Cadabam’s 

 Our treatment programs at Cadabam’s are designed by alcohol experts to provide compassionate care services, including various behavioural and psychotherapies, counselling, medication management, detox programs, mindfulness activities and after-care programs to maintain sobriety and prevent relapse.   

Our state-of-the-art facilities allow us to provide personalised evidence-based treatments in a non-judgemental space, fostering open communications and respect for different recovery paces.   

If you are searching for a solution to your problem, Cadabam’s Rehabilitation Centre can help you with its team of specialized experts. We have been helping thousands of people live healthier and happier lives for 30+ years. We leverage evidence-based approaches and holistic treatment methods to help individuals effectively manage their signs of alcoholism. Get in touch with us today. You can call us at +91 96111 94949.


Book screening with our director of triage,  Kamlesh Verma

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What is the first stage of the development of alcoholism? 

In the early stages of alcoholism, drinking on occasion to relieve stress or improve social situations is common. While drinking alcohol may feel natural at this point, it progressively starts to happen more frequently. 

Which of the following are warning signs of alcoholism? 

Warning signs of alcoholism include increased tolerance, frequent drinking, neglecting responsibilities, social withdrawal, preoccupation with alcohol, loss of control, engaging in risky behaviours, and experiencing withdrawal symptoms.  

What is the most popular treatment for alcoholism? 

Treatments for alcohol vary on individuals' severity level, and professionals will develop one after thoroughly assessing and examining your condition.  

What are the four types of wives of alcoholics? 

Four types of wives of alcoholics: 

  • Suffering Susan: Self-sacrificing caregiver 
  • Controlling Catherine: Dominant and manipulative 
  • Wavering Winnifred: Dependent and needy 
  • Punitive Polly: Resentful and aggressive 

What are the five most common causes of alcoholism? 

Common causes include genetic factors, psychological stress, social influences, environmental factors, and personal habits. 

What can trigger alcoholism? 

Triggers include stressful life events, social pressures, environments where alcohol is prevalent, and underlying mental health issues. 

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