Borderline personality disorder, or BPD, is a complex condition that develops in our brain, and like many other mental health conditions, the exact cause of BPD is not yet clear. Most researchers think it is an end result of not one but many factors such as genetics and environment.
It is true that as of now there is no definite cure available for borderline personality disorder. However, effective treatments are there to reduce its frequency and severity and these treatments are also effective in managing its symptoms.
So, let’s understand BPD in detail.
Cadabams treatment centers help patients with Borderline Personality Disorder by providing a blend of evidence-based therapies tailored to individual needs, fostering skills for emotional regulation, interpersonal effectiveness, and recovery in a supportive environment.
What exactly is BPD?
In simple terms, it is a mental condition that majorly affects the amygdala and limbic systems of the brain that control our emotions such as anger, fear, and impulsiveness. Studies even suggest that BPD may reduce the size of the amygdala and hippocampus by up to 16%. Some research indicates that approximately 1.5 - 2% of the total population have borderline personality disorder.
A person with BPD experiences an unstable emotional condition that leads to impulsivity, relationship problems, self-harm behavior, mood swings, and poor self-image.
So, what causes this unstable emotional condition in people? Scroll down to know.
Causes of Borderline Personality Disorder
What causes BPD is not very clear, but researchers believe a combination of multiple factors may play a role in the development of BPD. These factors include genetics, biological factors, and changes in brain areas like the amygdala, hippocampus, and orbitofrontal cortex.
Many researches have also indicated a strong link between childhood trauma and BPD.
Diagnosis of Borderline Personality Disorder
Diagnosing borderline personality disorder isn’t easy due to the similarity of its symptoms with other mental health conditions like bipolar disorder, depression, antisocial personality disorder, etc. However, mental health professionals implement many techniques to diagnose BPD and these are:-
- Interview: The diagnosis interview of BPD involves a detailed conversation with your mental health professionals wherein they try to understand your experience, symptoms, background, and relationship with others.
- Evaluation: Under this diagnosis, mental health professionals like psychiatrists, psychologists, or clinical social workers ask you a series of questions to understand your medical history, and symptoms, and prepare treatment, etc.
- Medical History and Exam: Medical history is very important in diagnosing BPD, as it helps in ruling out other medical conditions and understanding medicine effects. Examinations, on the other hand, ensure that you don’t have an underlying physical condition that is causing the symptoms.
- Discussion of Symptoms: It is the crux of diagnosis, as it helps mental health professionals understand your experience, identify severity, and rule out other conditions. It helps professionals to design a roadmap for the treatment.
Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) Treatment
There is a wide range of treatments available for BPD. However, based on one’s condition and symptom patterns, professionals choose the most effective and suitable one. Here are some of the common treatments for BPD.
Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT)
DBT is an evidence-backed treatment, specifically designed for people with borderline personality disorder. In this treatment, professionals help the clients accept and see their situation more clearly and help them develop skills that can bring positive changes in their lives. Our BPD Treatment programs will help to overcome the personality disorders more effectively.
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)
CBT is a goal-oriented talk therapy wherein mental health professionals help you understand your thoughts and emotions and how these aspects influence your actions or behavior. The therapy also teaches you how you can adopt healthier thinking patterns and habits.
Mentalization-based therapy (MBT)
MBT is one of the forms of psychotherapy which is proven to be very effective in managing BPD. In this therapy, you not only learn to understand your own thoughts, emotions, and behaviors but also those of others. Unlike some of the other mental health therapies, MBT focuses on your present rather than your past experiences.
Schema-Focused Therapy
Schema-focused therapy is a form of therapy that has elements of both psychotherapy and CBT. Here, professionals help you focus on pinpointing certain ways of thinking that are harmful, and how you can change it. The therapy also focuses on how you think about things, how these feelings are connected to your past, and how it is impacting your present life.
Group Therapy
The greatest strength of group therapy lies in its ability to create a safe environment. Here, people with BPD can share experiences, learn new skills and coping mechanisms, and develop a sense of belonging with others who understand their challenges. The treatment incorporates many aspects of CBT and DBT.
Art Therapy
Art therapy is based on the idea that creative articulation can boost mental well-being. It is an artistic way of treating psychological disorders like BPD. This therapy utilizes art-making as a way to study emotions, experiences, and struggles in people with BPD.
Self Help Techniques to Manage BPD
- Accepting emotions can be tough but is necessary. A simple way of doing that is to simply observe these emotions without judgments. This does not mean you need to act on these emotions but rather simply observe and be aware of them.
- Reduce stress by relaxing. In BPD an individual is highly sensitive and emotional, even a small stressful incident can be triggering and overwhelming. Relaxation techniques like mindfulness or engaging in a desired activity can help.
- To deal with impulsivity it is important that you become aware of them. This is necessary as every impulse may result out of a distress. Giving into these impulsive gives only temporary relief. Once you are aware of these distress you are in a better position to effectively solve the issue.
- When you feel the distress is too overwhelming, distract yourself. Any activity that you can completely pay attention to. This helps you calm down and later on you would be in a better position to thing practically.
- Try to control your assumptions. When interacting with others pay attention to your assumptions. Once you identify them, sit back and reflect on them if they are valid or not and the best way is to clarify with the other person.
How can I help someone with borderline personality disorder?
Cadabams counsellors assist patients by employing a personalized approach that integrates psychotherapy and holistic support.Sometimes life can be challenging for relatives and caregivers of BPD patients. However, if your loved ones or someone you know struggling with the challenges of BPD, there are ways you can help them. Here are some tips you can use.
- Learning more about BPD can help you understand the condition from your loved one’s perspective. This will help you develop empathy and compassion towards them and improve your knowledge and skills to support them more effectively.
- With more knowledge in your arsenal, you can encourage the person to seek professional help and adhere to treatment regimens.
- People with BPD often look for validation, support, and stability from their loved ones. You can offer these by actively listening to their problems, providing comfort during moments of distress, and consistently being there for them without judgment.
- In order to support your loved ones, it is important for you to prioritize your own well-being. So, invest in self-care to ensure that you are healthy enough to take on the challenges associated with BPD caregiving.
Medication and BPD: What You Need to Know
As far as medication for Borderline Personality Disorder is concerned, there are no specific medications that have been approved by the Food and Drug Administration. However, due to its symptom's similarity with other conditions such as depression and anxiety, mental health professionals may prescribe some medications. These medications are often used in conjunction with psychotherapy treatments.
Lifestyle Adjustments and Coping Strategies for BPD
Lifestyle and coping strategies play important roles in our lives. These become more significant if you are experiencing mental health illnesses like BPD. A Good lifestyle helps us stay healthy and improve our immune system, whereas coping strategies help us manage the challenges of illness more effectively. Two of the main aspects under these categories are:
Building a Support System
Building a support system is important as it offers a space where they can express their emotions and feelings without being a subject of judgment. It creates an essence of belonging that helps them combat isolation and learn and share skills to manage symptoms of BPD.
Self-Care and Mindfulness
Self-care is the crux of all recoveries, whether physical or mental. Incorporating healthy habits like a balanced diet, sleep hygiene, following a routine, regular exercise, or performing mindful meditation can help you improve the quality of your life and contribute to faster recovery.
The Role of Hospitalization in Severe Cases
Rehab centers and psychiatric hospitals contribute significantly to mental health, especially in severe cases wherein the safety of a person or others safety is at risk. Suicidal thoughts, recent suicide attempts, self-harm behavior, severe emotional dysregulation, psychosis, or hallucinations are some of the indications that point out immediate professional intervention and often require hospitalization.
- You must be wondering what exactly happens after hospitalization. Here’s a look at what to expect post-hospitalization.
- The primary focus immediately after hospitalization is the safety and stability of their emotional state.
- A thorough evaluation will be conducted to assess the severity of the symptoms.
- Based on the evaluations, mental health professionals will customize a treatment plan, often including types of psychotherapy, DBT, and medication.
- Finally, based on the recovery level a discharge plan will be developed to ensure a smooth transition back to society.
How Cadabams help to Treat BPD?
Cadabams is one of the top mental health service providers in the country with over 30 years of experience in treating various mental health illnesses including BPD. Our team of experienced professionals offers a range of services such as individual therapy, DBT, and many more.
At Cadabams, we offer a safe and supportive environment not only for clients but for their families. We empower families by providing the knowledge and resources they need to help their loved ones on their journey to mental well-being.
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1.How do you heal yourself from borderline personality disorder?
Healing from borderline personality disorder involves a comprehensive approach, including therapy (such as dialectical behavior therapy), medication, self-care practices (like mindfulness and stress management), building a support network, and maintaining consistent routines. Seeking professional guidance and support is crucial for personalized treatment and recovery.
2.Does BPD go away with age?
Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) symptoms may improve with age due to increased self-awareness and coping skills. However, it typically requires ongoing therapy and support. While symptoms may lessen, BPD doesn't completely disappear. Treatment helps manage symptoms and improves overall quality of life, but individual experiences vary.
3.Is it possible to live a good life with BPD?
Yes, it's possible to live a fulfilling life with Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD). Treatment, including therapy and medication, can help manage symptoms and improve quality of life. Developing coping strategies, maintaining a supportive network, and practicing self-care are also vital for managing BPD and leading a meaningful life.
4.What happens if BPD is left untreated?
Untreated Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) can lead to severe interpersonal problems, emotional instability, self-harm, and suicidal behaviors. Individuals may struggle with maintaining relationships, experience intense mood swings, and have difficulty regulating their emotions. Professional intervention and therapy are crucial for managing symptoms and improving quality of life.