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Living With Dementia: All You Need To Know

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You may think of dementia as an irreversible neurological condition, but with early diagnosis and proper treatment, it can be controlled and people diagnosed with dementia can hope to lead a normal life. Dementia leads to a deficiency of cognitive thinking powers that include impaired thinking, memory, and reasoning powers. These behavioral abilities control our language skills, memory power, self-management, focus and attentive powers, visual perception, and problem-solving skills. Dementia can range from mild to severe, and in the latter, the individual has to completely rely on someone else for everything.

Are you aware that India has the second-largest number of people suffering from this condition?

Signs Of Dementia That You Should Know About:

The truth is that most people affected with this condition are left untreated because these symptoms are due to aging, which is natural and inevitable. So, how do you know whether your loved one has been affected by dementia?

Here are some warning signs to look out for:

  • When a person is affected by dementia it can cause them to experience difficulty in communication and it can affect their language skills.
  • They find it hard to express themselves or talk to others
  • They withdraw from social situations
  • They may get depressed when they start to figure out that their mental abilities are slowing down
  • They face difficulty in remembering to take their daily medicines
  • They start experiencing difficulty in taking care of their personal hygiene needs
  • An increased chance of falling down because of loss of coordination or balance, poor safety awareness, and general weakness.
  • Memory problems and changes in personality, often delusional thinking

How To Prevent Dementia?

  • To prevent dementia or any other such neurological problem, it is advisable to follow a brain-healthy diet and lifestyle, that is devoid of harmful habits like smoking. You can follow a nutritious diet, exercise regularly, get good quality sleep, and pursue good hobbies, etc to reduce the risks of dementia.
  • To keep the brain working optimally you must find ways to activate the cells enough.
  • Performing mental exercises will delay the onset of dementia symptoms like memory loss.
  • Doing regular workouts and physical activities like daily walking can help you stay fit and mentally agile and stimulated. Yoga and meditation techniques can help your mind stay calm.
  • You must watch what you eat and try to stay away from fatty foods. Eat healthy fats like nuts and avocados, and cook your food in healthy oils that are good for your heart and brain like olive oil.
  • Playing games like card games and board games helps to keep you mentally active and these tasks are excellent for honing your problem-solving and communication skills.

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Can Treatments Slow Down Dementia?

When you know enough information about dementia disease and suspect that either you or someone you love is likely to go through its effects you should ask for help before it is too late. Living with dementia does not have to be a nightmare as there are appropriate medications that can be prescribed by psychiatrists and neurologists following a thorough diagnosis and tests. It is possible to slow down the progression of this condition, even though it cannot be reversed or cured completely. Hence, you can continue to enjoy a normal life by keeping your symptoms in check.

Myths And Facts About Dementia:

  • You must understand that dementia can happen to anyone; it is not age-related as most people think it is. Risks are greater in those suffering from hypertension, diabetes, and arteriosclerosis.
  • Research shows that women have higher chances of getting dementia because of the hormone called estrogen. This hormone controls the brain’s memory functions, sleep patterns, and cardiovascular system.
  • People tend to believe that dementia and Alzheimers’ are completely different conditions but Alzheimer’s is actually a form of dementia. It affects the brain’s parts that control language, memory, and thoughts.
  • Besides memory loss, dementia can trigger abnormal food cravings, behavioral changes, sleep changes, impaired judgment, sudden mood swings, etc.
  • People who lead a poor lifestyle are more likely to get dementia. For instance, if you follow a poor diet, suffer from high blood pressure or cholesterol, diabetes, or sleeplessness, or indulge in substance abuse, etc.

Why Cadabams?

Dementia can be managed when you get the right treatment plan and medicines. You can get help from psychotherapy sessions and join support groups, both on social media and at the rehab clinic. This is a great way to identify your triggers and get help from people facing the same issue.

You may think you know enough about dementia but self-therapy cannot help you deal with the condition, in the long-term. You should reach out to Cadabams for professional care. Their staff can help diagnose dementia on time and enable you to lead a better life by helping you manage this condition.

Dementia FAQs:

What are the early signs of dementia?

Some early signs of dementia that you need to look for are:

  • Memory loss, to a point that it disrupts normal daily activities
  • Trouble solving problems or planning
  • Challenges completing routine tasks
  • Confusion regarding places and time
  • Trouble understanding visuals and relationships
  • Trouble with writing and speaking
  • Poor judgement
  • Inability to retrace steps


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Can dementia be treated?

Dementia can be controlled with medicines and psychotherapy sessions that help the patient control feelings like depression, anxiety, and aggression. You can join support groups to seek support and get knowledge from both professionals and like-minded individuals.  

Are there different stages in dementia?

Dementia can be of 5 stages; Stage 1 is where impairment is not noticeable and the patient can take care of himself well; memory and judgment are usually normal. Stage 2 is when the patient starts to experience memory problems, problem-solving challenges, and issues with timing. Stage 3 is when memory is more affected and disorientation becomes common. Stage 4 patients need help doing most chores; so, you may have to accompany them outside, wash them, and help them with every task. Stage 5 is the severest when a full-time caregiver becomes necessary.

Please refer to this video to know more clinical information regarding Dementia, and it’s corresponding treatments.

Recovery Story:

Hello, I am Kelvin, a 50 year old retired automobile mechanic. I have been suffering from dementia for the past 4 years. Since then, I have learnt many things that have been helpful to leading a normal life. I wanted to share my story to spread awareness because in India there are many people who do suffer from dementia, like me.  According to statistics, about 4.1 billion people suffer from it. I hope my story can help you make a difference in life.

Here are some pointers on what I did to control my condition and live a healthy life:

  • I kept my self-confidence high
  • Sought help and support from family members and loved ones
  • Understood my condition, and became aware that dementia is much more than a memory disease
  • Allowed myself to understand and appreciate the role of a caregiver
  • Cooperated with everyone involved with my treatment for the best results

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