Do you want to stop using drugs? Want to get your loved one sober? Is your relationship being affected? Have you or your loved one been dependent on drugs?
Countless people addicted to drugs, have managed to get clean and stay clean with the help of organizations like narcotics Anonymous or the residential and outpatient hospitals devoted to treating addiction. At present study in India shows that 3.4 million are affected due to drugs and 7 suicides per day due to drug and addiction related problems in the last 10 years across India.
Drug addiction is a compulsive and maladaptive dependence on a drug that produces adverse psychological, physical, economic, social or legal ramifications. In simple words, a condition where a person feels a strong need to take drugs to the point that its usage becomes excessive.
The goal of drug addiction treatment is not only stopping drug abuse but also help people to function productively in the family, workplace, and community. According to research, that tracks individuals in treatment over extended periods, most people who get into and remain in treatment stop using drugs, decrease their criminal activity, and improve their occupational, social, and psychological functioning.
Many clients start their recovery process with either an inpatient or outpatient treatment program. A customized treatment plan is made by the doctors and therapists for each individual based on their needs and situations.
Drug detoxification and Detox
Drug detoxification, or detox, is the first step to recovery. Detox can prevent unpleasant consequences or the withdrawal symptoms resulting from sudden cessation of drug use and helps them to be independent of drug use. The several types of detox method are:
- “Cold-Turkey” detox
- Short-term medicated detox
- Long-term medicated detox
After detoxification, patients go through therapies available for recovering addicts to help them stay sober. As recovery is a lifelong process, it is important to pursue ongoing treatments that provide support and accountability. Individual therapies are given based on individual’s health and substance abuse patterns. And group therapies are organized by addiction counselors. The types of therapies are-
CBT is used to help them identify self-defeating thoughts and behaviors help them identify self-defeating thoughts/feelings and behaviors that may contribute to a relapse. This form of therapy is also useful in treating co-occurring conditions, such as obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD).
During biofeedback therapy, electronic sensors are placed on a patient’s skin to provide medical professionals with an accurate read on an individual’s “bio” signs. On-site biofeedback therapy sessions typically last about 30 minutes to an hour and are designed to provide recovering addicts with a psychological edge to beat their addictions.
This therapy focus is on the individual’s overall well-being, while also treating physical symptoms of withdrawal. Holistic therapies may include yoga, acupuncture, art therapy and guided meditation.
Experiential therapy utilizes non-traditional treatment methods to help recovering addicts overcome repressed feelings and emotions that may have contributed to their addiction. Common types of this therapy include role plays, music therapy, Art therapy, creative writing, dancing or even stage performance.
MET is used to help individuals in addiction recovery learn to change their thoughts and behaviors attached to their addiction. This type of therapy is frequently used to treat recovering addicts who have co-occurring conditions, such as bipolar or eating disorders.
During DBT, severe mental illnesses are treated in conjunction with an addiction problem. This therapy aims to improve self-esteem, encourage recovering addicts to remove triggers from their life and provide skills to manage stress.
Spiritual-based treatment centers provide individuals who value religion with specialized programs and facilities that center around faith and spirituality. Within this type of treatment, recovering addicts can surround themselves with likeminded individuals who are looking for guidance from a higher power to stay strong during sobriety.
These sessions will include the participation of immediate family members such as a spouse, parent, sibling, etc.
Medications can be extremely effective in helping patients to safely stop abusing drugs and alcohol. They might address the changes in the brain that occur due to chronic drug abuse or help mitigate cravings. In some cases, they might even mimic the action of the addictive drug in the brain and help patients to avoid the bulk of withdrawal symptoms.
Support groups
Narcotics anonymous is a support group modeled after Alcoholics Anonymous. It provides a community of support for those recovering from other drugs besides just alcohol. Members of NA motivate each other to stay committed to sobriety and avoid falling back into patterns of abuse. Meetings typically involve individuals sharing their stories of addiction and recovery.
Drug addiction can be treated but it’s not simple. Because addiction is a chronic disease, people can’t simply stop using drugs for a few days and be cured. Most patients need long-term or repeated care to stop using completely and recover their lives. A proper Addiction treatment from a mental health professional will help the person do the following stop using drugs, stay drug-free,be productive in the family, at work, and in society . Drug addiction treatment will help addicts adopt a lifestyle more rewarding than one filled with drugs and alcohol.
Is your loved one struggling hard to overcome from Drug addiction. Visit or call us @+919611194949 to get an immediate help from our best psychiatrists and psychologists to treat drug addiction problems.