When a person is diagnosed with an addiction, there are various types of treatment available for recovery which involves the person getting rid of withdrawal symptoms. A substance abuse counsellor helps an individual recover from alcohol, drugs or other substance addiction disorders. He/She helps an individual recover from addiction by providing treatment and support to the person in order to lead a normal life. A substance abuse counsellor plays a crucial role in helping a person recover from addiction disorder, which often differs from individual to individual.
A substance abuse counsellor works in a variety of settings such as hospitals, de-addiction and rehabilitation centres. Some Substance Abuse Counsellors also work in private settings, where the person approaches the counsellor by choice to recover from addiction.
Substance Abuse Counsellors work with various kinds of people addicted to deal with stressful situations in life so he/she should be compassionate and have the patience to understand the problem of the client.
Education Qualification for being a counsellor
Education qualification degrees vary from Masters to Ph.D. in Psychology or Social work which varies from client servicing in hospital to private counselling. Additional requirements depends on various other factors including location, government, and work environment.
Treatment for addiction disorder
Treatment is decided depending on the substance addiction and intensity of addiction which often varies from Cognitive Behavioural Therapy to family counselling. Most substance abuse counsellors use group therapy than dealing with it at an individual level, as group level intervention helps an individual get motivated and inspired from peers with similar disorders.
Substance Abuse Counsellor sometimes provides treatment at a centre which allows the client to stay there in a controlled & strict environment depending on the severity. The counsellor helps the client recover from the addiction by having the substance in a controlled manner and later reducing it to minimal.
There are different types of treatment available. They are:
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy: This therapy involves getting rid of addictions by creating changes in thoughts and behaviours of the individual.
Family Based Therapy: where the recovery takes place with the intervention of the family, by creating a supportive and emotional environment.
Talk Therapy: which involves close level interaction with the counsellor to deal with the problem, where counsellor interviews the addict to have understanding of the problem and help the person recover from it.
Group Therapy: Some consultation is provided on a daily basis and some others also involve group level intervention such as Alcohol Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous. These types of treatment facilities are often provided by churches, volunteer groups and other community centres for dealing with addiction problem in the society.
Medical Intervention: Sometimes treatment also involves medical intervention when withdrawal symptoms become uncontrollable and create problems for the addict and others.
Whatever be the substance addiction, it is always recommended to receive treatment from a therapist at the earliest which will help you have a speedy recovery and prevent any further damages. If you know any of your loved ones suffering from an addiction, please consult your Substance Abuse Counsellor at the earliest.