Too much of anything is dangerous, and so is the same with Facebook. Yes, Facebook has become so popular that psychologists identified a new mental health disorder called “Facebook Addiction Disorder”. Yes, you heard it right!
“Facebook addiction according to psychologists, is a fine line between social networking and social dysfunction.”
Infact – Facebook isn’t the problem and that the large majority of its 200 million users seemingly function perfectly fine. The problem arises when users ignore family and work responsibilities because they find Facebook life a more fun place to spend time than the real world. Use of Facebook as a means of interaction and connectivity with the people you care about is good. But it shouldn’t direct to the point where your offline social life gets substituted by social life on Facebook.
wondering if you would be a Facebook addict or not? Below are five signs that you are setting out to be a Facebook addict.
5 Sure signs signs that tell you have Facebook Addiction
- Getting obsessed with fame: “Why hasn’t he liked my post?”
A common sign, it seems-
Do you get worried after making an update on Facebook?
Do you remove updates which don’t get likes?
Many users experience low self-esteem because their updates didn’t do better than their relatives or friends. The enigma is that Facebook only tells you a slight amount, rather than everything. If this is the case with you, then my friend, we would like to tell that you are running into serious relationship issues with your loved ones in real life, because very life lacks a like button.
- You spend longer than an hour or so on Facebook every day
Spending more than an hour on Facebook per day is certainly too much, for an ordinary user. Granted, many of us use Facebook for work purposes, but it should not exceed over an hour on the social network. Relatively speaking, if you are spending a longer time on Facebook than you do – please seek help.
- Excessive wall posts
Sometimes we find that Facebook is an ego-related thing. The need to make up an online ‘portfolio’ is a social need, in succession to fully represent whom they want to be in real life.
Adding stream of photos, statuses, videos may be a way of fueling up time — time that could be better employed elsewhere.
It can be a Facebook addiction in itself. It is the need to regularly update people on where, what you are doing, why you are doing it.
- Mental health conditions circle in during downtime, and additional withdrawal symptoms
Obsessive-compulsive checking not only continues but gets worse. Afflicted people start searching for information about their paramour’s friends, reading everyone’s walls. People start getting anxious, and there’s no slowing down from there.
Often, addictions are developed around wanting something.
When that void is not satisfied and you’re missing out on it. Then withdrawal symptoms may set in — such as anxiety, anger, depression and other similar feelings. Then this is again a cause for concern.
How to get over Facebook Addiction?
Here are a few way to help you cut down your Facebook addiction-
- Admit that Facebook addiction may be something you need to address. By doing so, you will recognize that a problem exists and will be driven to do something about it.
- Keep track of just how much time you are using Facebook.
- Ask your significant other how they feel about the amount of time you spend on Facebook. Would your relationship with the person improve if you’re able to cut back on the time you spend? Think!
- Set a decided amount of time allowed for Facebook per day. For most people, 60 – 90 minutes per day is longer than enough time to catch up with others. As you attempt, you may find it helpful to reduce your permitted time.
- Limit the number of automatic status updates and feeds you receive.
- Have a “Facebook Free” day per week.
- Turn off notifications on your Facebook app.
- Add other activities to your life that would be rewarding. And which is important for beating Facebook addiction. Think of the promise you made yourself to “get back in shape” or “start exercising”? Think!
- Make a list of those things you’re no longer doing due to Facebook addiction disorder. Question yourself if you are truly content about all the losses you have made just to spend more time on Facebook.
Need to know more about how to get rid of Facebook addiction, or do you have any questions? Mail us your queries to info@localhost. or visit Cadabam’s. Alternatively, you can call us on our 24/7 helpline number- +91 96111 94949.