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Addressing Drug Addiction: Reclaim Your Life

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Drug Dependence: An Introduction

Deciding to recover from substance or drug dependence is the most challenging step in recovery. Once you have made that first heartfelt decision, deaddiction is the process of ensuring that you stick to it. Some people recover from dependence without relapses. Ideally, all recovering people would. But if you do relapse or your mind tries to set you up for a relapse, accept it as a part of the process, forgive yourself and continue on your journey to recovery.

The recovery set up and rehabilitation care centre at Cadabam’s includes innovative and evidence-based treatment procedures in elite foundation driven and worked by a multidisciplinary group of mental health specialists and profoundly – qualified therapists who have a progressive effect on people, families, and society. A 24/7 facility, Cadabam’s approach to rehabilitation in a holistic manner brings about a new way of achieving recovery and positive outcomes. Contact us today at +91 97414 76476.

Withdrawal from dependence happens in a series of steps physical, mental and emotional. The whirlwind of symptoms, thoughts and sensations may overwhelm you if you are not prepared. When you anticipate a pattern, you are better empowered to overcome it. Knowing what games your mind will play with you to pull you back into the habit is vital. Educate yourself on the steps to deaddiction and climb those steps one by one till you are free. If a step is slippery and you stumble, don’t surrender, find your inner strength and focus on the next step. Reaching out for help is the safety harness to hold you up when a step gets too slippery.

Addiction Recovery Steps- 6 Steps To Recovery From Dependence

Here are the 6 addiction recovery steps:

  • Make the decision to recover from addiction.
  • Accept your mistakes and work through them. Learn about the process of de-addiction. When you study your opponent thoroughly, you can fight it better.
  • Get help. There is no shame in asking for help. De-Addiction is a slippery slope, and having an extra hand to hold you up can only help.
  • Be aware of hidden pitfalls. It is easy to convert one dependence into another.
  • Surround yourself with people who support you on your journey.
  • Identify your relapse triggers and avoid them like the plague. Awareness, acceptance, support and abundant caution keep you on the road to recovery.

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Acceptance and Understanding

Deaddiction is mostly a battle within the mind. It is finding your strength to overcome your vulnerability. To do so, you must first accept that you are vulnerable. You have made life choices and decisions that led you down a difficult path. Acceptance helps you face the anger, guilt, frustration and emotions and move past them. The stark reality of your life is what it is, and when you can accept your part in that, you can mentally and emotionally grow out of the pain.

Acceptance enables you to value yourself and realise that there are many chapters in our book of life. You can close one chapter and start a new one. You understand specifically what patterns and mistakes brought you to where you are and to make better decisions in the future.

When you see your past clearly and accept it, you also understand that addiction is a disease. You cannot wish it away; an addiction needs precise and scientific treatment just as one would treat a disease. Scientists and doctors have extensively studied addiction and dependence and recovering from it. There are proven methodologies and treatments for substance dependence that use medication, therapy, psychosocial intervention, rehabilitation alone, or in combination with each other.

Why Cadabam’s?

Cadabam’s joins forces with you to fight the inner demons of substance dependence. When you feel hopeless, we help you find that inner strength to carry on and keep steady. We help you anticipate problematic thoughts and feelings and empower you to face them. Cadabams’ holistic programs are highly individualised and personal. We empower you with the necessary tools to look inward and accept yourself. Acceptance leads to the healing and recovery of your body, mind, and emotions. Our multispeciality team offers end-to-end 24/7 support that starts with detoxification, rehab, psychosocial interventions, crisis intervention and occupational therapy. We also offer post-treatment care, supported employment and community support. At Cadabam’s, we handhold you through deaddiction and well after that for long term recovery.

Disclaimer: We strive to treat our patients with dignity and utmost sensitivity. We understand that drug addiction needs treatment and that it is not a sign of weakness. Terms like drug addiction, deaddiction are used not in a derogatory way but to remain relevant to user search trends and common usage. In case you or your loved ones are struggling with drug addiction or substance addiction and share a unique viewpoint on how we can improve this content for our readers, please reach out to us at

Deciding to recover from addiction is the most challenging step in recovery. Once you have made that first heartfelt decision, deaddiction is the process of ensuring that you stick to it. Awareness, acceptance, support and abundant caution keep you on the road to recovery.


Book screening with our director of triage,  Kamlesh Verma

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Addiction Recovery Steps- 6 Steps To Recovery From Addiction

  • Make the decision to recover from addiction.
  • Accept your mistakes and work through them.
  • Get help. Deaddiction is a slippery slope, and having an extra hand to hold you up can only help.
  • Be aware of hidden pitfalls. It is easy to convert one addiction into another.
  • Surround yourself with supportive people
  • Identify your relapse triggers and avoid them like the plague.

The Importance of Acceptance for Long-term Recovery

Deaddiction is mostly a battle within the mind. Acceptance helps you face the anger, guilt, frustration and emotions and move past them. You understand specifically what patterns and mistakes brought you to where you are and to make better decisions in future.

Ways To Build Acceptance In Addiction Recovery

To stay away from drugs and any other addictions for life, the person needs therapy to learn to watch himself/herself. The person should know how to identify triggers or patterns and learn how to avoid them. Some people recover from addiction without relapses. But, if there is a relapse, one should accept it as a part of the process.

Why You Need Treatment for Acceptance in Recovery

Quitting an addiction is not as simple as pausing the habit for a few days. Drug addiction directly affects brain function and how the brain behaves. When the person is deprived of the drug it directly affects the brain and the rest of the body. Drug addiction is like a deep-seated disease that requires long-term and in some cases repeated treatment to cure completely.

A scientifically planned deaddiction treatment aims for the patient to

  • Quit drugs
  • Remain drug-free
  • Reintegrate into their personal lives, work, and society

Cadabams’ holistic programs are highly individualised. We enable you with the necessary tools to look inward and accept yourself. Acceptance leads to healing and recovery of your body, mind, and emotions. Our multispeciality team offers end to end support that starts with detoxification, rehab, psychosocial interventions, crisis intervention and occupational therapy. We also offer post-treatment care, supported employment and community support. At Cadabam’s, we handhold you through deaddiction and well after that for long term recovery.

What is drug addiction?

Drug addiction or substance abuse is when a person or the user loses the ability to control the intake of a substance or becomes dependent on it for regular functioning.

What is a relapse?

When a person who has stopped using a drug starts using it again despite having almost quit, it is called a relapse.

How does therapy help prevent a relapse?

Withdrawal from addiction happens in a series of steps physical, mental, and emotional. The whirlwind of symptoms, thoughts, and sensations may overwhelm you if you are not prepared. When you anticipate this pattern, you are better empowered to overcome it. Therapy helps you in knowing what games your mind will play with you to pull you back into the habit and how to avoid them.

What do scientific studies say about quitting an addiction?

Scientists and doctors have extensively studied addiction and recovering from it. There are proven methodologies and treatments for addiction that use medication, therapy, psychosocial intervention, rehabilitation alone, or in combination with each other.

Does addiction cause mental health issues?

Since addiction directly affects the brain, mood, and behaviour it may cause mental health issues. In some cases, underlying mental health issues or depression make a person vulnerable to addictions.

How does Cadabam’s help me with acceptance?

Cadabam’s helps you anticipate problematic thoughts and feelings and empowers you to face them.

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